Caller from Germany:
Landline: +49 571 730 755 38
If you call us on this German telephone number, you only incur the costs of a German long-distance call.
Mobile: +49 151 708 62 770
Since June 15, 2017 there are no more roaming charges within the EU (e.g. Hungary).
Caller from Hungary:​
Mobile: +36 30 26 86 538
Landline: +36 85 413 862
Email: kontakt |at|
Address :​
Kossuth Lajos utca 58
HU-8698 Somogyvar
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Our >> data protection declaration informs you about the handling of your personal data
We absolutely need your data entry for the form fields marked with an (*). We have defined the surname query as a mandatory field so that we can at least address you with our answer.